Jelly candy is not to be confused with gummy candy, which is indeed nothing more than a "near-food" polymer. These gems of delight manifest as fruit slices, gum drops, spice drops, and cinnamon bears, all of which make their parentage known by allowing the shape of your teeth to be carved into each bite. (Such an accommodating sweet!) Cinnamon hearts, the lesser known sibling to the much beloved cinnamon bear, are a manifest yet untapped choice during this cherished holiday.
I giggle to myself, as I have surely eaten an entire bag of these perilous hearts in 2 days time! And I surely have a minor case of cinnamon burn! Tis akin to rug burn of the tongue! And I still cannot stop myself from opening and consuming a second bag! Oh the foolishness of it all!
JOLLY LOLLY, which I write in caps out of respect for its perfect rhyme, is easiest to pronounce with a mouth full of water, or better, a mouth full of mostly chewed cinnamon heart candy. Due to the translucence of it's constitution, JOLLY LOLLY is best applied in multiple coats; my tally reached 3, but 4 would have been quite winsome indeed. A clear top coat provides optimal gloss.
Given its watery dilution, JOLLY LOLLY like a glamorous lady reduced with too much good wine; a natural beauty with hints of a bolder former incarnation, and a predisposition to slop off the sides. It would seem apropos to give JOLLY LOLLY four golden Pennies. Twould be a higher rating had I not been betrothed to my Southern beau, Clambake.
This review is part of my "Painting the Blog Red" series. For a complete inventory of all things scarlet, go HERE.
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